Weekly World News: 1979 - 2007
Created on: July 24th, 2007
Weekly World News: 1979 - 2007
http://sfscope.com/2007/07/weekly-world-news-shutting-dow.html Truly the end of an era


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July 24th, 2007
Growing up, every single Tuesday I would BURST from the doors of school into the doors of the supermarket and pick up the latest issue - following the adventures of Batboy and the politically opinionated aliens. I suspect Weekly World News will LIVE - LIKE ELVIS, JFK, AND HITLER DID!
July 24th, 2007
yeah...Batboy was my hero.
July 24th, 2007
Now people fill their unsourced dumb sh*t quota on the internets. Damn you YTMND. You killed Batboy.
July 24th, 2007
July 24th, 2007
I alway prefered The Sun. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sun_(supermarket_tabloid)
July 24th, 2007
The world's last reliable news source, shot to death by a public who just doesn't care anymore. Sad, really.
July 24th, 2007
July 24th, 2007
July 24th, 2007
Hail Truck-farmer! HAIL TRUCK-FARMER!!!!!!!!!!
July 24th, 2007
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If the highlight of your week was picking up several pages of bullsh*t, then perhaps rethinking your life is in order?
July 24th, 2007
Oh I get it. You're insinuating that I'm a loser. Well....yeah.
July 24th, 2007
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I'm not insinuating anything, Its just that your original above post made it sound like your life revolved around the Tuesday reading of WWN.
July 24th, 2007
Well it WAS the highlight of my week, next to Brisco County Jr and Herman's Head.
July 24th, 2007
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Well... To each their own. I still don't think this merited a YTMND, but I rest my case.
July 24th, 2007
July 24th, 2007
'We found where God lives' says Scientist ROFL
July 24th, 2007
"Dick Cheney is a ROBOT" went perfectly with the music!
July 24th, 2007
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Weekly World News is good, but The Onion is much better.
July 24th, 2007
FYI that kitten was innocent. Killing that fat *ss Rosie O'Donnell is not murder it's salvation.
July 24th, 2007
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Just liek when Bob Barker burst out of her stomach with his lahzar eyEz!? AMIRITE?
July 24th, 2007
my life revolved around firing up my apple ][ and playing Murphy's Minerals until the sun went down. Then I'd kiss my wife and go to sleep facing away from her in bed.
July 25th, 2007
Sign the petition inside or she dies!
July 25th, 2007
July 30th, 2007
I agree with KDarkwater, The Onion was always much better.
July 30th, 2007
Yeah... I hated tabloids until I pointed it out to some idiot in line.. The headline was "Snake Tattoo Bites Man". The guy was all "Wow, that's amazing! Hand me one of those!" ...I've been reading World Weekly News for years since that and still think it's hilarious
July 31st, 2007
They'll be back...
July 24th, 2007
May the memories live on. I still can't get over how my mother damned those who read it, so bloody fun.
October 17th, 2008
No. No, time for anger. This is a conspiracy. They knew WWN was getting the information out. They knew. They have been trying to take it down for years. But they always failed to return the masses to ignorance. But not that have succeeded. They are everywhere. Now that we do not have WWN to guide us, we will now phase back into an era of ignorance. They are everywhere, and they are watching, waiting to crush any new magazine that make come up to liberate us. Bat Boy save us.
July 24th, 2007
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I hope to god no one took that newspaper seriously.
July 24th, 2007
One of those rednecks looked surprisingly like Alfred E. Neuman From Mad Magazine.
July 24th, 2007
That book looks almost as retarded as this website.
August 20th, 2007
I masturbated instead of signing the petition.
July 24th, 2007
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Never heard of it. lol
July 24th, 2007
god i love that magazine. i used to always wander off when my mom was shopping and just stand in the aisle reading it.
AWWWW :( :( :(
July 24th, 2007
Holy f*ck noooo
the newspaper stand won't be the same without it.
July 24th, 2007
kitten guilty of murder was my favorite
July 24th, 2007
July 24th, 2007
this is awesome
July 24th, 2007
Batboy is a busy man. Too bad his adventures are over.
July 24th, 2007
July 24th, 2007
But...what will happen to Bat Boy? *sniff*
July 24th, 2007
Baby parts lake Michigan made me lose it.
July 25th, 2007
Next week: Man Parts Hair, Covering Bald Spot Effectively. Wife Unimpressed.
July 24th, 2007
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that's nice
July 24th, 2007
We found where God lives.
July 24th, 2007
RIP Weekly World News
July 24th, 2007
July 24th, 2007
Why wasn't YTMND on the cover. It's not real. Is it?
July 24th, 2007
Damn! I love Weekly World News, I'm one of those guys who goes right to those stupid f**king things when I walk into a Rite-Aid or CVS, it kind of pisses me off that they're suspended. BAT BOY RIP
July 24th, 2007
And don't forget the 5 warning signs of a dirty nerd http://www.userfriendly.org/cgi-bin/search.cgi?form=int&action=text_search&searchobject=Felinoid
July 24th, 2007
Well the "real news" is just about as fake as WWN so I guess they just gave up.
July 26th, 2007
I'd believe it
hahaha bat boy
July 24th, 2007
July 24th, 2007
Oprah-worshipping aliens --> 5
July 24th, 2007
otters are cool
July 24th, 2007
I picture the men(and aliens) behind this publication to be in the late 40's early 50's, with that kind of tongue and cheek humor your uncle Dan has that makes you wonder if he's a little too old to be wearing something that says "Holy Shirt"
July 24th, 2007
I think you mean "tongue-in-cheek", but yeah, I can see that.
July 24th, 2007
lol bat boy
July 24th, 2007
bat boy forever!!!!
July 24th, 2007
goodnight, funnyman
WHERE AM I SUPPOSED TO GET NEWS NOW?!?! CNN?!?! MSNBC?!?! News is dead to me.
July 24th, 2007
Abraham Lincoln was a woman.....I knew it!
July 24th, 2007
July 24th, 2007
I live in Roswell. The Alien ghost story just scratches the surface. Also batboy should become a new fad. Start your ytmnd's gentlemen.
July 24th, 2007
Batboy belongs to Fark.
July 30th, 2007
Bleh, Fark=real "news". Plus I think Batboy's older
July 24th, 2007
its all fake... except Cheney being a robot, that's totally true.
July 24th, 2007
July 24th, 2007
I used to buy this publication when I was in 5th or 6th grade, back when I watched professional wrestling.
July 24th, 2007
I was there when all these things happened. I was quite high.
bat boy goes to college
July 24th, 2007
RIP. Also, batboy never aged.
July 24th, 2007
Needs more Manigator.
July 24th, 2007
I think Gaia takes in f*ggots like you.
July 24th, 2007
that is f*ckin funny
July 24th, 2007
I'll always have my 'POPE JOHN PAUL II MISSING' issue. I think they claimed he was 'out for a stroll in the woods' or something. Hahahaha. I think I got this one too: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/a/a8/Mermancaught.jpg
July 24th, 2007
I had a HUGE collection, but much like my other collections, it didn't survive my divorce. :(
July 24th, 2007
At least you had a collection. You know how hard it was to find WWN in the UK? :P
July 24th, 2007
but bat boy could live on people through ytmnd
July 24th, 2007
I remember seeing those in the stores all the time. I've seen Batbay on many of the covers. This ytmnd reminds me of Men In Black a lot too. One part in the audio sounds just like the theme too
July 24th, 2007
5 for royalty-free music alone. also, BUSH RENAMES THE PLANETS
July 24th, 2007
The Greys may have supported Clinton, but the Galgameks were all about Perot.
July 24th, 2007
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Weekly World News is funny. You aren't.
July 24th, 2007
July 24th, 2007
bat boy FTW
July 24th, 2007
who buys this? lol
July 24th, 2007
What a fun job.
July 24th, 2007
this cannot happen.
July 24th, 2007
*salute* We will always remember you, Batboy. Godspeed, mutant. Godspeed.
July 24th, 2007
What size flip flop did Jesus wear?
July 24th, 2007
July 24th, 2007
words cannot describe
July 24th, 2007
July 24th, 2007
WWN is done? How else will I be in tune with the rest of the world? Oh yeah...YTMND. Duuuuh!
July 24th, 2007
made me smile :)
July 24th, 2007
Idiots.... They could have made this paper a winner. They just had the wrong business model. If they had marketed and operated like The Onion (Free weekly, advertiser and subscription based revenue) they would have made a killing. Who wouldn't pick up the WWN every week if it were free? And what advertiser would miss the chance to slam dunk the 18-34 market??? Maybe someone will buy the paper and revive it... one can only hope.
July 24th, 2007
Good points.
July 24th, 2007
July 24th, 2007
Where will I get my credible news now?
July 24th, 2007
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Yeah, um.. what was the point in making this? Who cares if its gone. Do we really need a fckin slideshow memorial for a weekly bullsh*t magazine? I think not...
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July 24th, 2007
holy sh*t your still alive :D
July 24th, 2007
yo, you forgot saddam and osama's ape-baby!
July 24th, 2007
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Extremely boring slideshow.
July 24th, 2007
If only real news were this interesting.
July 24th, 2007
I bought an issue of that when I was younger, and it gave me nightmares.
July 24th, 2007
July 24th, 2007
July 24th, 2007
The music was a perfect match for this.....
July 24th, 2007
July 24th, 2007
Now how will I find all my information on Bat-Boys antics!?
July 24th, 2007
thanks, finally not some f*cking dogfighting or harry potter(aka not funny) bullsh*t.
July 24th, 2007
Satan captured in Iraq, lol
July 24th, 2007
they told the truth where everyone else was afraid to report it...
July 24th, 2007
wow, no more credible news now i guess
July 24th, 2007
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Never heard of this magazine, don't get it, don't care, boring, stupid slideshow bullsh*t, you suck etc...
July 24th, 2007
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July 24th, 2007
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they should have killed FOX News instead :'(
July 24th, 2007
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F*ggy short film.
July 24th, 2007
They actually sell a book that is good compilation of these news articles, I think I saw it at Barnes and Noble. And of course I grabbed it and started reading it in the aisle. It's like a tribute or collectors deal, or something lol
July 24th, 2007
Great! Now what am I going to do to kill time while waiting in line at the supermarket?
July 24th, 2007
July 24th, 2007
5'd and FAV'd
July 24th, 2007
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Picture. Sound. Text. Not f*ggy short films.
July 24th, 2007
July 24th, 2007
July 24th, 2007
It will certainly be missed. Hey, at least there's still Weird N.J.
July 24th, 2007
I used to pick these up every week on the way home from school. "HITLER'S MUSTACHE CLONED!" was always one of my favorites. Why are they discontinuing it?
July 24th, 2007
"We found were God lives" says scientist
July 24th, 2007
It seems the government has finally shut down the last remaining reliable news source.
July 24th, 2007
RIP Bat Boy. :(
July 24th, 2007
I mourn Bat Boy's passing
July 24th, 2007
Damn, now there won't be any decent entertainment in the supermarket - just piece of sh*t celebrity magazines.
July 24th, 2007
Can I say: Win?
July 24th, 2007
i especially love the computer virus one..because if a computer was to do that, it would be a dell GX280. poorly designed hot deathtraps.
July 24th, 2007
Best newspaper ever.
It seems like whenever they run out of stories, they just incorporate batboy into some otherwise normal piece of news, hahahahaha
July 25th, 2007
Here's to hoping alien-cat hybrids save them at the last minute.
July 25th, 2007
July 25th, 2007
lolz i worked for american media for a year. that company is going down the f*cking tubes, they been closing magazines and firing people constantly the last few years. i did get lotsa free weekly world news sh*t though...
July 25th, 2007
how could you possibly forget the Chaos Cloud?
July 25th, 2007
strange as it may seem, the "ape-man" that baffled scientists was real! The Discovery Channel ran an hour-long special on him! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oliver_the_chimp
July 25th, 2007
aliens worship oprah. rofl.
July 25th, 2007
I like when people come up to you when you're reading it and tell you that most of the stories in WWN are fake. NO F*CKING SH*T!
July 25th, 2007
batboy leads 3 state police chase.
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slideshows are funny
July 25th, 2007
They told me about how the moon was actually a dragon egg that's beginning to hatch! Now where ma I going to learn about this kind of stuff :(
July 25th, 2007
*Starts to applaud slowly*
July 25th, 2007
My crazy grandma reads them.
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Yes, this boring slideshow clearly deserves such high ratings.
July 25th, 2007
I want to read more about God's to-do list.
July 25th, 2007
Dishwashe Pump keeps lady alive ftw
July 25th, 2007
July 25th, 2007
Ridiculous. It was probably the only tabloid that really had fun with fake news, instead of baiting the celebrity-infatuated public with scandals of pointless proportions. Well, long live The Onion!
July 25th, 2007
lmao! Aliens worship Oprah!
I remember first reading one, in the first grade, and I believed they actually found a mermaid...
July 26th, 2007
Oh man that sucks balls. Batboy was an American icon
July 26th, 2007
That was f*cking awesome. Very fun viewing. Thanks for creating that.
July 26th, 2007
4 for not including the "OSAMA RECRUITS A CLONED HITLER!" headline.
July 26th, 2007
July 26th, 2007
Oh man, i'll always remember the first article I saw and laughed at.....Dick Cheney being a Robot. Halarity.
July 26th, 2007
lol, tabloids
July 26th, 2007
July 26th, 2007
I used to buy these :(
July 27th, 2007
butt secks.
July 27th, 2007
I love the one where they cloned hitlers nose and it grew a mustache.
July 27th, 2007
I remeber the one about a woman being bigfoots love slave and how she was pregnant. I'm gonna miss it.
July 27th, 2007
And "Babies found living on Titanic" that was a great one.
July 27th, 2007
July 27th, 2007
I give it a four ONLY because its lacking my favorite one, "Noah's Ark Found on Mars".
July 27th, 2007
YES! you have the Oprah one
July 28th, 2007
Awesome. I still have the original Batboy issue...
July 28th, 2007
July 28th, 2007
I remember seeing the "Hubble finds Heaven" issue at my local supermarket. Godspeed You! WWN Emperor
That brought tears to my eyes.... oh, how I will miss Weekly World News. I salute you for such a touching memorial.
July 28th, 2007
Hey, lets put a bunch of things I didn't make up in a loop, throw in some music that isn't related at all, and I can get on the front page! Dude, I know where you're coming from, but I would have liked it a lot more if you had put some creativity behind it.
July 28th, 2007
For what its worth, I agree the rating for this is too high and it didn't deserve to stay on the front page forever (I expected it to make the up and coming and get knocked out) I guess everyone loves WWN as much as I did though.
July 29th, 2007
Abraham Lincoln was a women!!!!!!! And everything they printed was 100% true...its the other news that are lieing(lawl) I loved Weekly World News
July 29th, 2007
I bet those rednecks who shot down the flying saucer could defeat robot dick cheney.
July 29th, 2007
They worship Oprah! I knew it!
July 29th, 2007
Somewhere in the high desert, Art Bell wipes away a tear.
July 29th, 2007
July 30th, 2007
5'd for batboy reoccurance
July 30th, 2007
How about The Sun?
July 31st, 2007
RIP, Bat Boy
July 31st, 2007
F*cking brilliant...
July 31st, 2007
July 31st, 2007
Why would they shut it down! Batboy did this, didn't he?
July 31st, 2007
Oh HORSESH*T. That sh*t's cheaper than Mad Magazine and a better source of laughs. It truly will be missed.
August 1st, 2007
i work at a circle k over night, and let me tell ya, WWN was awesome to read. they cant take it away. What will happen to miss america, the gayest american hero
August 1st, 2007
The Paper is dead! Long live The Paper!
August 1st, 2007
took more than 5 seconds = waste of my time
August 1st, 2007
Is it... serious? It isn't serious. *puts gun in mouth* it CAN'T BE!
August 1st, 2007
that computer virus to human things is real, it happened to my parents.
August 21st, 2007
Computer virus spreads to humans, lol
October 17th, 2008
It really is a shame those guys closed shop. I always enjoyed reading them when waiting in line.
October 22nd, 2009
Since when is it news that aliens worship oprah?