The ONE thing MacGyver cant save...
Created on: March 29th, 2006
The ONE thing MacGyver cant save...
MacGyver cant save Windows ME


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March 29th, 2006
Yeah, sad thing is I had to put up with it for 4 years.... I'm like a grizzled windows veteran with mental scars.
March 29th, 2006
He can't save Windows 98 either.
March 29th, 2006
yeah... I had me for 4 years too before I got my new comp... *shudder*
March 29th, 2006
ME? more like cock.
March 30th, 2006
stare at it long enough it begans to morph. ps dont do drugs
March 30th, 2006
f*ck. i still have ME. probably the only person left on the planet. What are those scars on my hand you ask? well those are from me punching the computer to the point where the CD drives no longer work. Thanks ME
March 30th, 2006
My sister called me up the other day for computer help. They just had some idiot rebuild a computer for them and he put ME on it. I still have no idea why. Can you even FIND a copy of ME anymore!!
March 30th, 2006
March 30th, 2006
Add a BSOD and stop the music when it shows up and you get a 5!
Believe it!
March 30th, 2006
Old material but funny still.
March 30th, 2006
So true.
March 30th, 2006
so true...
March 30th, 2006
This may be the best ever.
March 30th, 2006
ive had to expirience thist 4 myself..........
March 30th, 2006
So fvking true.
March 30th, 2006
windows migrain edition ftl
March 30th, 2006
March 30th, 2006
5'd for the damned TRUTH. And Ziptal, I still have Windows ME too. So you're not alone. I share your pain, and probably some of the same scars.
March 30th, 2006
I had that for a long time as well. My cpu was too slow to run anything better.
March 30th, 2006
I suffered for YEARS under that OS.....
March 30th, 2006
This almost made me cry... that os scarred me
March 30th, 2006
so true
March 30th, 2006
I think this sums up my feelings:
March 30th, 2006
Package of C++ software and a yellow dart. 14 seconds later... Windows 2000 installed.
March 30th, 2006
How are people who use the internet still on ME?
March 30th, 2006
It's an amazing feat, isn't it?
March 30th, 2006
I have had to deal with windows ME and this is TRUE.
March 30th, 2006
f*cking true story believe that 5/5
March 30th, 2006
I still prefer winME over newer versions. My 600mhz PC is from 1999 and winME not only has many stuff I dont want to waste my ram but is even more irational. They totally screwed the interface!
March 30th, 2006
Or Windows in gereral
March 30th, 2006
I remember having ME for a while, it was absolute bullsh*t and one time the system got so bad, you couldn't open my computer anymore.
March 30th, 2006
who cares
March 30th, 2006
I have Windows ME, too. You basically can't play a video file without it crashing.
March 30th, 2006
do something like have him get frustrated like in the tire replacement YTMND and install LINUX or some other brand of OS. needs some animation but I feel your pain, so many crashes
March 30th, 2006
enemy33 u lose.
March 30th, 2006
LOL! Good stuff!
March 30th, 2006
Windows MacGyver Edition? windows 98SE was better than ME.
March 30th, 2006
Well played...
March 30th, 2006
...or Microsoft. The slobs. :)
March 30th, 2006
true dat....double true!
March 30th, 2006
I'm a computer repair tech, so yeah 5'd.
March 30th, 2006
Your Right
March 30th, 2006
is that it?
March 30th, 2006
Ow, so true because I have it.
March 30th, 2006
LOL!! So true, I used to have ME and my computer was destroyed repeatedly by it. God damn you Y2K...You pwnt ME edition..
March 30th, 2006
I make most of my YTMNDs on ME
March 30th, 2006
5 for great justice
March 30th, 2006
Fixing a BSOD is easy, just shut down. ME, however, is irreparable.
March 30th, 2006
It would be better if he tried.
March 30th, 2006
that's it ? just the theme and that graphic ?
March 30th, 2006
I want masturbate in ur harbl
March 30th, 2006
Current ME user here. :(
March 30th, 2006
March 30th, 2006
its like an optical allusion!
March 30th, 2006
The truth!
March 30th, 2006
March 30th, 2006
How very true...
March 30th, 2006
i too had to weather that storm for 4-5 years. f*ck ME.
March 30th, 2006
Worst OS ever.
March 30th, 2006
...aight this might have been relevant or funny like 5 years ago
March 30th, 2006
March 30th, 2006
i didn't think it was THAT bad
March 30th, 2006
ziptal believe or not i still use ME also, surprisingly though i dont have any trouble with it.
March 30th, 2006
windows ftw
March 30th, 2006
it's funny cuz it's true.
March 30th, 2006
lol, ya
March 30th, 2006
March 30th, 2006
Funny because it's true!
March 30th, 2006
March 30th, 2006
March 30th, 2006
Can se have Windows 3.1?
March 30th, 2006
Ha. I use Windows Me, unfortunately. So I'm gonna have to agree with you!
March 30th, 2006
Eh making fun of Windows ME in the year 2006 is like making fun of Elian Gonzalez
March 30th, 2006
Bill Gates and Windows>Everyone here.
March 30th, 2006
ME was infinitely better then 98 though.
March 30th, 2006
March 30th, 2006
Lol, so f*cking true. Windows Me was sooo sh*tty.
March 30th, 2006
Plenty needed more work.
March 30th, 2006
oh yeah! that is such a piece of sh*t OS!
March 30th, 2006
March 30th, 2006
Hahahah, so true.
March 30th, 2006
Win98 licked balls compared to 2k, but even Win3.1 could beat out WinME.
March 30th, 2006
you just burned out my retinas.
March 31st, 2006
April 4th, 2006
Five'd, because I have had to deal with my ME more then I should have.
April 4th, 2006
Nothing happens!
Yeah, but who'd want to save it?
April 20th, 2006
He can't save Mac OS (Pre OS X atleast) either.
Too true. 5'd.
April 28th, 2006
I loled
April 30th, 2006
i'd believe it.
May 6th, 2006
IM sick of people telling me, "Well, fine worked fine"...Its a joke, ME sucked and I cant help that...For the few that had it and it worked fine, you lucked out...
July 13th, 2006
Ain't that the truth?
July 23rd, 2006
3 year ME veteran right here. You know the rest...
July 3rd, 2007
True, sadly.
November 21st, 2007
MAKING WIN ME STABLE: 1.Disable System Restore 2.Either Disable Virtual Memory or Handle it yourself, give it plenty of room for the Swap File. 3.Disable Scheduled Tasks.