Who's an awesome god?
Created on: February 15th, 2006
Who's an awesome god?
Richard Dean Anderson is God. Richard Dean Anderson > Chuck Norris.
None ( ._.)


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February 15th, 2006
All those who believe in Chuck Norris shall die in the name of Richard Dean Anderson, the One True God.
February 15th, 2006
f*cking awesome
February 15th, 2006
lol, ytmnd holy wars (Hey... there's my next idea! Wait. MacGyver doesn't use tanks. Shoot.)
February 15th, 2006
You're going to need more than a picture and an old sound to convince the masses
February 15th, 2006
It's not MacGyver. It's RICHARD DEAN ANDERSON! He can call upon all his forms.
February 15th, 2006
Dr. Jeff Webber, Brian Parker, Andy McFey, Carter Randall, Adam McFaddan, Lt. Simon Adams, Spud, Tony Kaiser, Angus MacGyver, Jack Rourke, Ray Bellano, Bradley Matthews, Ernest Pratt, Nicodemus Legend, Bill Parish, Lieutenant Michael Brooks, Captain James
February 15th, 2006
Holland, Mayor Killian Darkwater, and Colonel Jack O'Neill.
February 15th, 2006
RDA's got balls. No other guy would have the balls to let people call him Angus.
February 15th, 2006
Wow. 5 solely because I completely expected the music.
February 16th, 2006
RE: No, I'm not a sound expert, and all I have to work with is crappy Creative Wav Studio which lets me fade in/out add pauses, cut copy and paste parts of songs... etc. No good layer effects or anything.
March 12th, 2006
"And He told the Fat Man that all who worship the Devil Norris shall be smote with naught but a paperclip and cardboard tube." MacGyver 3:24
March 12th, 2006
"And the Fat Man had a vision of the Devil's followers trying to convert him with roundhouse kicks, but He sent His brothers to protect the Fat Man." McFaddan 7:19
March 12th, 2006
anyone > chuck norris
March 18th, 2006
Richard Dean Anderson > Vader > anyone or anyTHING but Chuck Norris and liver & onions > liver & onions > Chuck Norris.
March 26th, 2006
what a f*cking waste of web space... I hope you didn't spend actual time on it. I mean WTF, who the f*ck gives a sh*t about MacGyver? f*ck him... f*ck man... serisouly go somewhere and die.
March 26th, 2006
It's not MacGyver. It's Richard Dean Anderson. Go complain to your precious Chuck Norris, you damn Devil worshipper.
May 19th, 2006
Macgyver gives me a stiff wank. :D
May 23rd, 2006
ok umm for the subliminal message thingy its HOT MALES NOT HOT MALeys oh and i hgave a question how to u copy another song off of some1 elses ytmnd? like u did with this 1
June 1st, 2006
June 5th, 2006
lol owned
June 12th, 2006
June 26th, 2006
thats so so so old ive seen it like 16 other times f*uck this b*itchin ytmnd!!!!
June 26th, 2006
sinch u think dean andersons awesome why dont u go F*UCK HIM LIKE U DID WITH MICHAEL JACKSON
July 4th, 2006
dingleberry6 said: "MacGyver? f*ck him..." My response: I would, but he's too busy being awesome.
July 5th, 2006
He's McGyver....LOL
August 12th, 2006
hey, i think i barrowed my music from the same person you barrowed it from for mine, http://eviljesus.ytmnd.com/
August 24th, 2006
f*ck yeah
September 7th, 2006
1'd for having no sense of morality for another human being.
January 14th, 2007
lol remidns me of raptor jesus
YOUR GOD DAMN F*CKING RIGHT!11111144443623345235234