Die Looney Toons Die...
Created on: September 20th, 2005
Die Looney Toons Die...


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September 21st, 2005
I kind of expected a "Stop showing so much Scooby Doo!" site.
December 24th, 2005
i can agree with you except for calvin and hobbes. taz, MAYbe bugs, and that frog thing can go. but calvin and hobbes? i would have to say that calvin and hobbes is the second most CLASSIC comic ever...aside from peanuts.
February 4th, 2006
first of all calvin and hobbes isnt even in looney tunes, and second looney tunes is 10000000 times better than the sh*t the play on tv now!...go f*ck youself u f*cking n****r
You uncultured swine.