WTF is Gary Busey talking about?
Created on: August 15th, 2005
WTF is Gary Busey talking about?

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August 25th, 2005
Gary Busey an enigma wrapped in a conundrum.
August 25th, 2005
I had a choice, to choose to vote 5. That was the wrong choice, but I learned, through my choice-making, that the choice I made, was a choice.
August 25th, 2005
quote from Penn & Teller BS = 5
August 25th, 2005
I don't know why people auto 1star fads, when as they age they get more complex and creative with each new iteration... yet somebody can take an audio clip from some show and pair it up with a pic found on Google Image Search, and suddenly it's front pa
August 25th, 2005
gary busey is god.
August 25th, 2005
Point Break 2 pl0x
August 25th, 2005
I have an idea, lets just put this on the front page to piss off the people who put effort into their YTMNDs. Afterall, anything goes.
August 25th, 2005
August 25th, 2005
Downvoting f*gs. I guess we all can't be creative enough to make a Truman/Harry Potter YTMND.
October 28th, 2005
+3 for busey/+1 cause what he said made mne laugh/-2 because you wanted to white sox to win, even tho i dont give a sh*t about baseball/+3 because I WUUUUVVV YOOOOU!!!
February 24th, 2006
gary busey is actually f*cking insane, comedy central had a show where he flipped out all over the place but then he punched a cop or something and so it got cancelled.