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Did you miss this other gem from Donald Sterling?
2014-05-03 20:47:55
In his racist (or was it instead, or partially, sexual-insecurity based) rant, the soon-to-be former owner of the Clippers, Donald Sterling, also suggests that the nation of Israel is racist toward black people, similar to racism black people in the U.S. faced before the Civil Rights Act of 1963 was passed. I think this accusation is worth investigating, and, if true, the corrupt Israeli government MUST BE PRESSURED INTO ENSURING THAT ALL ISRAELI CITIZENS, REGARDLESS OF RACE, BE GRANTED EQUAL OPPORTUNITY TO SUCCEED IN ISRAELI SOCIETY!
Please also note that I am not saying that Jews are racist, but that the corrupt Israeli government has a lot to answer for, similar to other corrupt national governments like those of Uganda, Iran, and, yes, the United States of America. I'm also not denying that Sterling is a racist piece of crap because he is. But there's more going on than just his racism here. I also think Sterling leaked this himself to accelerate any sales of the Clippers so he can offload them as quick as possible to retire as quick as possible, and really does not care what the public thinks of him.
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