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Weekend at Bernies is still a fun-filled summer romp, Fuck you all
2010-08-28 00:54:04

I'm not being a post-modern ironic, 20-something 80's-born faggot, this movie is good, despite being drenched in the culture of maybe the worst era in humankind. Solid and tightly wound screen-writing, good gags, decent acting, a lot of credit should go to the actor who played Bernie, best physical comedy that had happened in ages. You know, a lot of people thought physical comedy was DEAD, for many, many years. After all, it had it's a main-stay of silent-era movies, and a hold-over from the Vaudeville days, so many people labelled it as old-timey and therefore, it would never be funny again. Jim Carey made a whole lot of damn money proving them wrong and I think it stands as a testament to the fact that anything that was popular at any point and history can be brought back to some extent. Maybe YTMND, too.
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