Jack Thompson's cell number
Created on: April 25th, 2007
Jack Thompson's cell number
Jack Thompson's phone number


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April 25th, 2007
I called him once whilst he was at a hearing. He called be, "Exhibit A" in his "case against Rockstar Games." Therefore I called him "Exhibit D, for douchebag."
April 25th, 2007
He called ME*
April 26th, 2007
Intresting article about rockstar in this months wired mag. Tompson is a doush though.
April 25th, 2007
April 25th, 2007
This is exactly the kind of the kind of attention (and ammunition) that an ambulance chaser like Thompson WANTS. Calling him with insults, threats, etc. is harassment. Calling him to present a sound, rational argument may not be, but Thompson will treat it as such anyhow. Even if your identity is protected, you harm your cause by contacting him. Want to make a difference? Join the Video Game Voters Network instead, and make your voice heard. http://www.videogamevoters.org
DXSSI510 is right. this could be seen as harrasment and could damage ytmnd. the benefits of prank calling some idiot are outweighed by the need to keep ytmnd from any potential legal action. find more appropriate means of protest.
May 11th, 2007
As much as I despise Jack Thompson, I have to agree with DXSSI510 on this issue. It's throwing fuel onto the fire, giving him exactly what he wants, so he can babble on about how evil, Satan-worshiping, virgin-sacrificing, baby-eating Gamers - who have not blood pumped by beating hearts, but rather a putrid, oily, viscous black substance circulated only by their churning hatred for all that is good - have been harassing him in his holy crusade against them,
May 11th, 2007
only proving his theories that gamers find sustenance only in devouring the sweet, juicy souls of good, God-fearing Christians. ...Wow I managed a run-on sentence that required two posts to complete. Somewhere, a grammar teacher's head just exploded.
April 25th, 2007
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Ok...this a sucky ytmnd...but then again, let Jack Thompson burn in hell for what he's done.
April 25th, 2007
don't forget to *67 before you dial
April 25th, 2007
His phone number is 305-666-4366. 666 -- coincidence? I think not.
April 25th, 2007
my thoughts exactly.
April 26th, 2007
Yet he's a Christian extremist, lol.
April 26th, 2007
well, wasn't Satan like a religious extremist?
April 25th, 2007
Record all results for maximum fun.
April 25th, 2007
yes do eeet!
April 25th, 2007
And yes, I just verified... the number is REAL.
April 25th, 2007
And yes, I just verified... the number is REAL.
April 25th, 2007
His e-mail is jackpeace@comcast.net by the way.
April 25th, 2007
Herrrreeee comes a lawsuit!!! for YTMND...
April 25th, 2007
April 25th, 2007
Not if you use a computer relay service.
April 26th, 2007
good ol' skype, many a prank call have been made with u
April 25th, 2007
rofl, gg.
April 25th, 2007
April 25th, 2007
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And who said ytmnders don't have lives?
April 25th, 2007
April 25th, 2007
That'll show him how mature and well-adjusted gamers are!
April 25th, 2007
Who cares if they're maladjusted or immature; the point is that they aren't murderers or psychopaths as a result of video games.
April 25th, 2007
who's trying to get me sued.
April 25th, 2007
special guest appearance by max ftw. also 5.
April 25th, 2007
that number is all over the internets. I dont think he would have any legal precedent for suing you.
April 25th, 2007
he wouldn't, but then again Jack Thompson is BATSH*T INSANE/SENILE.
April 25th, 2007
max, relax (that rhymes). Jack Thompson is an incompetent schmuck who couldn't argue his point out of a wet paper bag.
April 25th, 2007
my name is max too!
April 25th, 2007
im george. i wish i was max =(
April 25th, 2007
f*cker just sued Kotaku.com
April 25th, 2007
April 25th, 2007
lol, sleepover
April 25th, 2007
im saving this #
April 25th, 2007
i already did. phone call from school time tomorrow =D good luck sueing me. im in canada
April 25th, 2007
This won't end well. I just know it.
April 25th, 2007
sleepover? lol
April 25th, 2007
I found this on a message board. From: XsolidusX | Posted: 4/25/2007 05:37:48 PM | Filter | Message Detail LOL I called him and I was like "I'm playing Grand Theft Auto in your basement" And he was like "Oh Christ I'm SO gonna sue 4chan." I hung up laughing lol.
April 25th, 2007
guh those idiots suck for saying they're 4chan.org. Anyone calls, either for 4chan or for here has to say they found his number on ebaumsworld.com!
April 25th, 2007
If it's true, he'll have it changed by the end of the week.
April 25th, 2007
April 25th, 2007
He tried to blame Microsoft for V-Tech.....His reasoning....."Microsoft made Counter Strike, which the shooter played.".........1. Microsoft did not make Counter Strike. Valve did........2. The shooter did not play video games. When his dorm/house were searched, not one game was found.
April 26th, 2007
Source? Please I need to know.
April 26th, 2007
I heard this too.
April 26th, 2007
actually valve didn't make CS, they made CS:S. Wheee, pedantry!
April 26th, 2007
he should have blamed Vtech for Vtech. i have teh proof's http://vtechtrainer.ytmnd.com/
April 26th, 2007
I ment the source on that Cho Seung did not play any video games.
April 25th, 2007
lol it really worked
April 25th, 2007
brb, Lawsuitmnd prt 4
April 25th, 2007
Like now I can TOTALLY prank him after the girls and I play Spin-The-Bottle, eat a jar of Nutella, and watch 7th Heaven reruns in our jammy-jams!
April 25th, 2007
you know... this is the sh*t that hurts gamers more than anything because Jack uses it as Ammo that we are nothing but morons. Take it down man. He's already sued Kotaku, we dont' want him to try and sue Max as well.
April 25th, 2007
I e-mailed him once, a really nice letter, he wrote back with just 3 words with something not very nice. F*ck if I remember.
April 25th, 2007
why the hell would you make this site?
April 25th, 2007
Love the Text to Speech. I hope his number is real, I can see so much fun.
April 25th, 2007
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You know he can really f*ck us over for doing this right?
April 25th, 2007
notice the 666's ....
April 25th, 2007
Has anyone actually called him?
April 25th, 2007
i called him...he is a f*cking *ssh*le. he hung up on me when i asked for some answers to my questions. and then he proceeded to call me an a-hole when i called him back
April 25th, 2007
Somehow I think pranking a lawyer is a bad idea...
As much as I oppose his views I can't help but think how bad of an idea this is. Remember that for all his faults he is a human being. What he needs is counseling, not an endless stream of phone calls from a bunch of angry, nerdy teenagers.
April 25th, 2007
1'd because doing sh*t like this would just add more fuel to his fire.
April 25th, 2007
You are a true Internet Hero. GOD SPEED GOOD SIR!
April 25th, 2007
theres like 5 of these sites and this is not a good idea
April 25th, 2007
IF HE SUES YTMND EEEVERYBODY has to call him and spam the sh*t out of every number he changes lmao. eye for an eye
April 26th, 2007
But he'd be suing because of you guys spamming though. . .
April 26th, 2007
Oh great a lawsuit. Trying to make YTMNDers and gamers look bad aren't you Ferris? Go back to Luelinks for crying out loud.
April 26th, 2007
go away
April 26th, 2007
I got a busy signal... twice...
April 26th, 2007
Jack: "Hello?" Me: "Let me ask you something...does your mother sew?.....BOOM! GET HER TO SEW DAT!"
April 26th, 2007
I'm Jack Thompson's secretary stop calling him otherwise he's gonna sue you all.
April 26th, 2007
however funny this may be, it is just going to give him more fuel
April 26th, 2007
he is.
April 26th, 2007
Actually nevermind.....Found the warrant. Everyone download this. http://i.a.cnn.net/cnn/2007/images/04/17/warrant.pdf and Jack Thompson IGNORES the fact that there were no games found at all in Cho Seung's rooms. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/18220228/
April 26th, 2007