It happens to all of us.
Created on: October 30th, 2006
It happens to all of us.
I spent 2 hours on an AWESOME ytmnd. Only to have adobe PS quit itself. It's life.( also used "Save Me" by Remy Zero in the sound)


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October 30th, 2006
I think the ending should be that you realize your ytmnd is not creative or funny. that'd be more true and more common.
October 30th, 2006
it was good
October 30th, 2006
and more hilarious!
October 30th, 2006
get a mac
October 30th, 2006
feedrosie is up and coming
October 30th, 2006
lol and to gcracker gets the iTard award!1!!one1!!!!!
October 30th, 2006
October 30th, 2006
I vote 5. I vote 5 to see Connery as Mona Lisa.
October 30th, 2006
I expected a part where you submit the ytmnd and everyone downvotes it
October 30th, 2006
...and then you get downvoted to oblivion! Take notes, this is gold!!!
October 30th, 2006
5 for the music from the Departed
October 30th, 2006
i find it depressing that 'You're the Mona Lisa Now Dog' probably has a better chance of making HoF than anything i've ever made.
October 30th, 2006
Unexpected ending... I could have sworn it was going to be a slap in the face to wannabe Top15ers (Top 10 these days...) much less true Up & Comers, much much less Top 5ers (I'm not sure how the system works anymore for this...) & of course you can laugh in the face of anyone wanting to get into the Hall of Fame these days.
October 30th, 2006
That happened to me when I worked on it for 7 hours straight without saving. It's a horrible feeling. Almost as bad when you work on something for 12 hours just to find out it's a piece of sh*t. And that song from The Departed is awesome
October 30th, 2006
Never. I always save after a certain number of fixes.
October 30th, 2006
Damn you, SuperDave!
October 30th, 2006
umm save often... and it helps to be on a mac
October 30th, 2006
Smallville theme FTW, but this'll never happen to me 'cause I have very few IM friends and I use the GIMP anyway, lolololol.
October 30th, 2006
5 for the music in departed.
October 30th, 2006
That's why I got a mac. Too bad photoshop still randomly crashes.
October 30th, 2006
this is full of half-truths and misinformation.
October 30th, 2006
The key here is to never make good sites.
October 30th, 2006
ive never had problems with windows xp cept for when it was a hardware issue. You're all stupid. STFU
October 30th, 2006
Woooo, I'm famous now.
October 30th, 2006
Don't blame yourself, blame windows
October 30th, 2006
man....i wish my sites only took 2 hrs to make.......i understand what you mean tho, i can relate....5
October 30th, 2006
October 30th, 2006
Sounds more like a friend problem than a program problem. If you have MSN, it will show that you're working on something important, that is, if it takes longer than 10 minutes. Seriously, this community is full of *ssh*les and idiots that even when you have something that good, it'll get a score that's a little lower than what it actually deserves. All you can really hope for is Worthwhile.
October 30th, 2006
Also, save often. ^_^ b
October 30th, 2006
Learn to save.
October 31st, 2006
"this is full of half-truths and misinformation." Clearly you're one of those people who say Macs are gay just because they are.
October 31st, 2006
I lol'd
October 31st, 2006
Five for the loop.
October 31st, 2006
also, save more backups n00b
October 31st, 2006
Nothinng to see hear folks, move along.
October 31st, 2006
yeah imageready randomly exits for no reason for me too. But yes there are worse things I could be doing. Good thing I gave up religion.
October 31st, 2006
never happened to me, good site though
October 31st, 2006
Win, win and win.
October 31st, 2006
My computer is solid as a rock. This has never happened to me.
October 31st, 2006
Who the f*ck gets a blue screen anymore?
October 31st, 2006
lol, that's why i use linux
October 31st, 2006
hahaha im sorry about your loss
October 31st, 2006
Save works. BTW, isn't that the song from Smallville?
October 31st, 2006
October 31st, 2006
+5 for the Murphys!
October 31st, 2006
How can I get the song?
October 31st, 2006
Story YTMNDs = lose.
October 31st, 2006
For Boston...
October 31st, 2006
October 31st, 2006
F, Honestly, why did you make this? This is terrible..just terrible.
October 31st, 2006
no bsods for me. but then again, no ytmnd's for me either.
October 31st, 2006
That wasn't even a good ytmnd that got made.
October 31st, 2006
Stephen Colbert... FTW
October 31st, 2006
Get a mac and have top 5's for the rest of your life just like me.
October 31st, 2006
I had completed editing the first verse of when my computer crashed. It took a while to re-do it, but I'm glad I did.
October 31st, 2006
it propably would have been complete sh*t anyway, BITCH !!!!
October 31st, 2006
5 for dkm
October 31st, 2006
Accordian, lulz
October 31st, 2006
My Computer never crashed. Not once. whoo hooo
October 31st, 2006
1'd for dropkick murphys
October 31st, 2006
I made an awesome Cosby remix and then friggin Audacity quits on me. I hate that goddamn program.
October 31st, 2006
5 for truth, departed song, and mona connery
October 31st, 2006
O_O -_- O_O -_- O_O XD XD XD XD XD
October 31st, 2006
Jesus saves, why don't you?
October 31st, 2006
Happen to me many of times. 5'd :D
October 31st, 2006
you have no idea...
October 31st, 2006
Thats why I have Paint Shop Pro set to autosave every 60 seconds. >_>
October 31st, 2006
5'd for music from THE DEPARTED.
October 31st, 2006
That son of a bitch.
October 31st, 2006
f*ck hahha
October 31st, 2006
1'd for Irish.
October 31st, 2006
5 for shipping up to boston. THough the supposed hall of fame site wasn't that good.
October 31st, 2006
I know that feeling
Audacity always crashes on my noise remixes, so I can relate.
October 31st, 2006
I kinda like how the first comment put it
October 31st, 2006
it has never happened to me. then again, my best ytmnd took all of 2 seconds
October 31st, 2006
heh :)
October 31st, 2006
i wasnt sure what emotion you were going for?
October 31st, 2006
October 31st, 2006
Kudos for Dropkick Murphy's and Remy Zero.
October 31st, 2006
October 31st, 2006
10:30 mom comes in and makes you go to bed. 11:00 you fake sleep and get back on the computer.
October 31st, 2006
Actually, I save my work on a regylar basis.
October 31st, 2006
If the rebooting doesn't stop in five minutes, try rubbing your eyes with a pickle.
October 31st, 2006
fav'd for Dropkick
October 31st, 2006
save often! (and get more ram, sheesh)
October 31st, 2006
October 31st, 2006
lol. well done. /aploud
October 31st, 2006
The impeccable sync secured your WIN.
October 31st, 2006
Save your project midways. B00b.
October 31st, 2006
never happened to me but i believe it
October 31st, 2006
1'd because that's the Smallville theme at the end. I hate that show and am bitter that my wife watches it in the same room as my computer. So it's not your fault and you're still getting a 1. Sorry. I have issues.
October 31st, 2006
i haven't gotten a BSoD since the win95 days
October 31st, 2006
that is such a kickass song
October 31st, 2006
Mac tonight.
October 31st, 2006
October 31st, 2006
I enjoyed this experience.
October 31st, 2006
Agreed :)
October 31st, 2006
Ah yes, I'd like to thank the users for giving me the views that you did... I'd especially like to thank the academy. With-out you guy's my f*ggy short film would be nothing.
October 31st, 2006
October 31st, 2006
hasn't happened to me, why put effort into ytmnds? But this one gets a 3 for sense of humor about what someone would consider a good ytmd, at least I hope you werent serious...
October 31st, 2006
Doesn't happen to me :-P Linux FTW
October 31st, 2006
Blue screen is overused...and this is completely retarded...
October 31st, 2006
learn to fix your computer dummy
November 2nd, 2006
Departed Fan eh?
November 18th, 2006
Nugget's just angry because all he has is MS paint.
December 2nd, 2006
Nice music