We clearly have a winner
Created on: August 10th, 2005
We clearly have a winner


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(3.74) 73 0 10

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Inbound links:

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59 https://www.bing.com
9 http://www.google.com.hk
1 https://www.google.com.br/
1 http://www.google.com

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August 12th, 2005
The best out of the Google fads. Five for that.
August 16th, 2005
Fear the complete five.
August 16th, 2005
Already been done...
August 16th, 2005
been done. really stupid fad.
August 16th, 2005
holy fifen!
August 16th, 2005
August 16th, 2005
August 16th, 2005
so f*cking stop. and old.
August 16th, 2005
and btw, i made this the da AFTER the google fad started.. its not my fault it took so long for everyone to see it..
February 22nd, 2006
no.. no i didn't. But don't take your agression out on me just cause you cant make a YTMND that gets above a 2.