Perpetually 19, female, spotted hyena demisexual, poly, immature & rebelious .
From: Arkansas, Ozarks .
Works at her uncle's farm on the weekends .
Lives in a run down mobile home park with her helicopter parents .
Very very subtle country accent .
Stinky & hairy, bathes like once a week, prefers a dip in a river or a hose rinse .
Loves roller skating, ice cream and hates country music .
Worn out stuffy work overalls (hotbox for the coochie) .
No underwear .
Dirty 10 year old sneakers .
Weird relationship with her cousin she doesn't like to talk about .
Fucks most of her friends .
Calls her pseudo-penis her "pistil" gets upset when people call it anything else .
Has trouble loving just one person .
Dropped out of Highschool in 10th grade .
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