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Arcee - Transformers: Rise of the Beasts (2023 Film)
2024-12-23 11:18:57

Arcee was among the crew of Autobots that had become stranded on Earth after arriving in 1987. Seven years later in 1994, she and the others were in New York City when Optimus witnessed the activation of the transwarp key. The Autobots regrouped in a warehouse to find Mirage had taken in a stowaway, Noah Díaz, who Arcee researched and discovered his past as a soldier. Arcee confirmed the existence of the transwarp key in the museum on Ellis Island, and the group realized they could use it to return to Cybertron. Arcee pointed out they couldn't take the key themselves without evading detection, but Mirage convinced Noah to steal the key for them, despite the group's misgivings. Arcee helped stakeout the museum during Noah's infiltration, only for the Terrorcons to arrive in force. Arcee was knocked out of the fight by the burly Battletrap, and the group lost Bumblebee to Scourge's blade. The group was saved by the timely arrival of Airazor, who explained Scourge had only taken half of the key, and Arcee convinced Elena Wallace to help lead them to the remaining half in Peru after encouraging her with the knowledge she'd be saving two worlds in the process.
On the flight to Peru aboard Stratosphere, Arcee wondered if the slain Bumblebee could be revived with an Energon treatment, but Optimus lamented that they likely couldn't without returning to Cybertron. The group linked up with Wheeljack and Arcee rode inside his vehicle mode as they took positions keeping watch while Noah and Elena hunted for the key. The Terrorcons arrived and engaged the Autobots in battle. While Wheeljack drove, Arcee provided some firepower in her robot mode, but once again Battletrap took her and Wheeljack out of the fight by making them tumble down a mountainside in the ensuing car chase. Arcee regrouped with the others when they confronted the Maximals, aiming at Cheetor until Airazor defused the stand-off. When Scourge obtained the complete key and began to bring Unicron to Earth, Arcee took part in the battle against the Terrorcons and their Predacon reinforcements. Though Arcee's speed and blasters served her well, things looked grim when Unicron appeared in the sky and the Autobot-Maximal alliance began to be submerged by the sheer numbers of their enemy. Arcee was aghast when Optimus declared his intention to sacrifice himself to destroy the portal bringing forth Unicron, but luckily, Noah and Optimus Primal saved Optimus and the day from the Chaos Bringer.
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