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Emma Frost : Wolverine and the X-Men
2024-11-24 09:05:27
Emma Frost was the beautiful and mysterious telepath who showed up on the X-Men 's doorstep just when they needed her most. She once tried to start her own school for gifted mutants, the Massachusetts Academy. The ambitious Emma is the X-Men's only hope of finding their missing colleagues. She can read minds and project thoughts into other's minds, controlling their actions. She can project mental blasts to knock out her victims by touching their brow and is able to change her skin into diamond form. Emma has shown a romantic interest in Scott Summers A.K.A. 'Cyclops' but nothing came out of it since Scott didn't return those feelings even after Emma tried to erase his memorises of Jean. After Emma's secret was revealed, Scott lost his trust in her but didn't allow Jean to attack her. After Emma sacrificed her life to save everyone, Scott seemingly forgave her.

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